Knights of Pendragon

Genres: Action, Adventure, Superhero
Publisher: Marvel

Vol 1: July 1990 – October 1991
A comic published primarily for the English market by Marvel UK. The series exploits the adventures of British superheroes such as Captain Britain, Union Jack and others. It also guest-stars American superheroes. Whether all of this is in continuity remains to be seen.
Continued 6 months later in Knights of Pendragon volume 2.

Vol 2: July 1990 – October 1991
A comic published for the English and American market by Marvel UK. The series exploits the adventures of British superheroes such as Captain Britain, Union Jack and others. It also guest-stars American superheroes. Whether all of this is in continuity remains to be seen. Some of the characters created by Marvel UK do appear in Marvel US Comics, so at least that can be set in continuity. The series was somewhat of a continuation of Knights of Pendragon (volume 1).

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